Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
8 Units, Self-paced,
In the Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus course, author and former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi introduces students to effective strategies for engaging Muslims in spiritual discussions.

8 Units, Self-paced,
Tired of finding yourself flat-footed and intimidated in evangelistic conversations? In the Tactics course, Gregory Koukl offers practical strategies to help you stay in the driver’s seat as you ...

Organic Outreach
15 Units, Self-paced,
The Organic Outreach course is about living the kind of life that draws people to Jesus. With three decades of outreach leadership, Kevin Harney provides insights and tools that will enable ...

Evangelism in a Skeptical World
12 Units, Self-paced,
Evangelism in a Skeptical World is an ideal training tool on evangelism. It will equip you with the principles and skills needed to tell the unbelievable news about Jesus to friends in today’s...

Organic Outreach for Churches
10 Units, Self-paced,
Most local churches want to become an evangelistic force in their community and the world, but sporadically focusing on outreach, giving money to missions, and praying for others are not enough. ...