Old Testament Survey
47 Units, Self-paced,
Part indispensable overview and part careful examination, Old Testament Survey introduces students to the culture, context, and content of each book in the Old Testament.

Basics of Biblical Greek 1 & 2
30 Units, Self-paced,
Learn to read the New Testament in Greek.
Imagine opening a copy of the Greek New Testament and being able to understand what it says in the original languages. When you complete this program, ...

Basics of Biblical Hebrew 1 & 2
32 Units, Self-paced,
Learn to read the Old Testament in Hebrew.
Basics of Biblical Hebrew 1 & 2 will introduce you to the vocabulary and grammar of classical Hebrew, so you can begin studying the Old Testament in ...

New Testament Survey
15 Units, Self-paced,
Including both background information and careful attention to the biblical books themselves, New Testament Survey offers a full introduction to the 27 books of the New Testament.

15 Units, Self-paced,
This online course features New Testament scholar Craig Keener teaching through the book of Revelation.
These lessons, based on Keener’s Revelation commentary in the NIV Application Commentary ...

15 Units, Self-paced,
This course on Romans, taught by Douglas Moo, helps you grasp how the message of Romans can have the same powerful impact today that it did when it was first written.

How to Choose a Translation
1 Unit, Self-paced,
Learn how the Bible is translated into English from its original languages and how best to choose a translation for personal reading and study.
Get this course for free! Simply enroll now....

How to Interpret the Bible
2 Units, Self-paced,
Learn how we got the Bible, how best to choose a translation for personal use and study, and the key steps for correctly interpreting any passage in the Bible.
Enroll today for only $5!

Four Portraits, One Jesus
20 Units, Self-paced,
The Gospels record the "greatest story ever told," the events of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. To study the Gospels is to study the foundation of Christianity, and in this Four ...

Grasping God’s Word
22 Units, Self-paced,
The Grasping God’s Word online course is an indispensable approach to reading, interpreting and applying the Bible that will teach you how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and...

Letters to the Church
16 Units, Self-paced,
In the Letters to the Church course, respected New Testament scholar Karen Jobes introduces the cultural and theological background of Hebrews and the general epistles. Coming from an ...

The Mission of God's People
15 Units, Self-paced,
This course offers a sweeping biblical survey of the holistic mission of the church, providing practical insight for today’s church leaders.
It emphasizes theological trajectories that ...

A Theology of Luke and Acts
15 Units (including midterm and final), Self-paced,
In the Theology of Luke and Acts course, biblical scholar Darrell L. Bock offers an in-depth analysis of these two books, examining Lukan themes and language and the books’ context within the ...

8 Units, Self-paced,
Tired of finding yourself flat-footed and intimidated in evangelistic conversations? In the Tactics course, Gregory Koukl offers practical strategies to help you stay in the driver’s seat as you ...

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
14 Units, Self-paced,
In the Introduction to Biblical Interpretation course, biblical scholars William Klein, Craig Blomberg, and Robert Hubbard bring together their combined years of expertise and devotion to Scripture...