Old Testament Survey
47 Units, Self-paced,
Part indispensable overview and part careful examination, Old Testament Survey introduces students to the culture, context, and content of each book in the Old Testament.

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
14 Units, Self-paced,
In the Introduction to Biblical Interpretation course, biblical scholars William Klein, Craig Blomberg, and Robert Hubbard bring together their combined years of expertise and devotion to Scripture...

11 Units, Self-paced,
The Daniel course explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story.

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
15 Units, Self-paced,
The How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth course helps you get the most out of your Bible-reading experience. Featuring newly updated material and lessons by professors and authors Douglas ...

The Message of the Prophets
15 Units, Self-paced,
In The Message of the Prophets course, professor J. Daniel Hays offers a scholarly yet readable and student-friendly introduction to the Old Testament prophetic literature, presenting the ...

10 Units, Self-paced,
This course on Jonah provides a careful analysis and interpretation of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament book of Jonah, quickly allowing learners to grasp the big idea of each passage and how it...

Torah Story (Second Edition)
29 Units, Self-paced,
The Torah Story course introduces the first five books of the Old Testament and helps students understand how these books contribute to the Bible’s ongoing story of salvation.

24 Units, Self-paced,
The Joshua course, taught by Lissa M. Wray Beal, assists formal and informal students alike in understanding and living out the biblical text in today's world, by illuminating each passage of ...

78 Units, Self-paced,
The Isaiah online course, featuring lessons by Old Testament scholar John Oswalt, enables you to understand and apply well the text of Isaiah to life in the twenty-first century.

15 Units, Self-paced,
The Genesis course, taught by Tremper Longman III, illuminates the book of Genesis in light of the Bible’s grand story.

11 Units, Self-paced,
A new study for today’s world, the Esther online course explains and illuminates each passage of the book of Esther in light of the Bible’s grand story. Scholar and author Marion Taylor offers ...

Ruth: An Exegetical Study
8 Units, Self-paced,
The Ruth course provides a careful analysis and interpretation of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament book of Ruth, quickly allowing learners to grasp the big idea of each passage and how it fits ...

Ruth: The Story of God
5 Units, Self-paced,
The Ruth course, taught by Marion Taylor, assists formal and informal students alike in understanding and living out the biblical text in today’s world, by illuminating each passage of Ruth in ...

Living God’s Word
22 Units, Self-paced,
New Testament scholar J. Scott Duvall and Old Testament expert J. Daniel Hays invite lay and college-level Bible students to see how their faith journey relates to the big picture of the Bible. ...