The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

Taught by Nicholas Perrin

The Kingdom of God online course, featuring author and scholar Nicholas Perrin, explores the contours of the kingdom by answering the important "what," "who," and "how" questions. This comprehensive course brings together careful exegesis of the Old and New Testaments with thoughtful attention to how the kingdom ethic applies to God’s people today.

Course Details

  • 12 Units

  • Self-paced

  • 4 hours of video

  • Beginner

  • The Kingdom of God

12 Month Access
$179.99 USD

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Course Description

In the last hundred and fifty years the kingdom of God has emerged as one of the most important topics in theology, New Testament studies, and the life of the church. But what exactly is the kingdom of God? What does it mean for the people of God and what does it mean for how they live in the world?

In The Kingdom of God online course, author and scholar Nicholas Perrin explores this dominant biblical metaphor, one that is paradoxically the meta-center and the mystery in Jesus's proclamation. After surveying interpretations by figures from Albrecht Ritschl to N. T. Wright, Perrin examines the "what," "who," and "how" questions of the kingdom. In this sweepingly comprehensive study, Perrin contends that the kingdom is inaugurated in Jesus's earthly ministry, but its final development awaits later events in history. In between the times, the people of God are called to participate in the reign of God by living out the distinct kingdom ethic through hope, forgiveness, love, and prayer.

By completing this course, you’ll gain:

  • Greater understanding of the kingdom of God from an investigative journalistic process
  • A thorough overview of present, imminent, and future signs of the kingdom of God
  • Insight into what it looks like for Christians in today’s world to live as the kingdom’s people
  • Confidence in your growing knowledge through personalized review sessions and unit assessments

Meet Your Instructors

Nicholas Perrin

Ph.D., Marquette University

Nicholas Perrin is president of Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. Between 2000 and 2003 he was a research assistant to N. T. Wright. He is author of numerous books, including Jesus the Priest and Jesus the Temple.

Course Outline

  • The Kingdom: The Metacenter and Mystery of Jesus's Proclamation

  • Yahweh the Creator Is King

  • The Old Testament Backstory

  • A Community Is Formed: The Kingdom in the Preaching of John the Baptizer and Jesus

  • The Kingdom's King

  • The Kingdom's People: Part One


  • The Kingdom's People: Part Two

  • Present Signs of the Kingdom: Exorcism, Healing, and Proclamation

  • Imminent Signs of the Kingdom: Jesus's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension

  • Future Signs of the Kingdom: Tribulation, the Fall of Jerusalem, and the Second Coming

  • The Kingdom Mission: How and Why

  • Living the Kingdom Life Today



BibleMesh is now offering an integrated reading experience for our new book-based courses. As before, students will be guided through their reading with book excerpts embedded within the course. This allows for an improved reading experience within the course. Students will also be able to pop out the book reader into a full-screen, fully-featured web-based reading platform where they will be able to see the wider context of each excerpt and access the complete book.

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