

Taught by David E. Garland

In the Philemon online course, David Garland teaches through the book of Philemon passage-by-passage. Lessons show how to bring the ancient message of this short biblical correspondence into a modern context and explain not only what the letter to Philemon meant to its original audience but also how it can speak to us powerfully today.

Course Details

  • 4 Units

  • Self-paced

  • 2.5 hours of video

  • Intermediate

  • Philemon

12 Month Access
$179.99 USD

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Course Description

The letter to Philemon brings a bold call for forgiveness and unity as the brotherhood of all believers. This letter, the shortest book in the Bible, speaks powerfully to us today toward issues like equality, unity, and what conversion to Christ does for us all. Christ forgave us everything and welcomed us as brothers and sisters in the Lord, now the choice of action is ours.

The Philemon online course features professor and scholar David E. Garland teaching through the book of Philemon in engaging lessons. Each lesson explores the links between the Bible and our own times that reveal the letter’s enduring relevance for our twenty-first-century lives.

By completing this course, you’ll gain:

  • Greater familiarity with a letter of the apostle Paul and his churches in early Christian history
  • Insight into Paul’s message on issues like equality, unity, and forgiveness
  • A deeper understanding of how to apply the theology of Philemon to your own life today
  • Confidence in your growing knowledge through personalized review sessions and unit assessments

Meet Your Instructors

David E. Garland

Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

David E. Garland is professor of Christian Scriptures at George W. Truett Theological Seminary and has twice served as interim President of Baylor University. He is the author of various books and commentaries, including Mark and Colossians, Philemon in the NIV Application Commentary and the New Testament editor for the revised Expositor's Bible Commentary. David remains connected to local church ministry.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Philemon

  • Philemon 1–7

  • Philemon 8–25



BibleMesh is now offering an integrated reading experience for our new book-based courses. As before, students will be guided through their reading with book excerpts embedded within the course. This allows for an improved reading experience within the course. Students will also be able to pop out the book reader into a full-screen, fully-featured web-based reading platform where they will be able to see the wider context of each excerpt and access the complete book.

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